Wild Minds Podcast
Faced with a world of increasingly complex legal, industrial, and social systems, it can feel paralyzing to attempt to make any meaningful ecological impact on the world. Hosts Mike Stoess and Nick Donavon break through these monolithic challenges that the world faces, seeking simple, attainable solutions for the average person that focus on backyard issues, rather than global dilemmas. On top of tackling ecological issues, Nick and Mike explore ways to better enjoy the outdoors and take in depth looks at the flora and fauna of the South East U.S. Listeners are invited to join their journey of learning and self improvement as they take steps to get a little closer to the world around us, and maybe even becoming a bit more wild minded.
Wild Minds Podcast
Trailhead - 3: Leave No Trace
Nick Donavon, Mike Stoess
Season 1
Episode 3
You've got your gear, you've found a new trail to hike, you've even got a brand new field guide to check out all of the cool stuff on the trail, what's left? Leave No Trace offers us some great tips on how to interact with the outdoors while minimizing damage to our local flora and fauna. You may be surprised how easy it is to leave an impact.
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Excerpts from "Network Effect" by No Thank You John
Podcast art by Brittany Stoess